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Friday, December 30, 2011

Online games are blamed for more than 80 percent of Internet addiction, the study found

"Maple Story" is an online game made by Nexon. If a character kills a monster, his or her grade and experience level go up. The characters include adventurer, Signus knight, Aran, resistance fighter and cannon shooter. The highest level is 200. My son, who is an elementary school student, said his level is 113 as an Aran and 43 as a resistance fighter, and he recently began acting as a cannon shooter. Though he explained the story of the game with excitement, I simply could not understand.

The suicide of a middle school student in Daegu is related to this game. The boy killed himself after being picked on and victimized by violence at school. One of the students who prompted his suicide forced the victim to raise his game level after losing due to a hacking attack. For fear of violence and threats, the victim played the game several times a day and even stayed up all night to do so. According to police, most of the text messages they exchanged were about forcing the victim to play the game. Online games are thus indirectly driving children toward death and violence.

In March, a high school student in Busan who fought with his parents over an online game jumped to his death from the roof of an apartment building. In November last year, a middle school student in the same city killed his mother, who scolded him for his game addiction, and then himself. This has led to a system prohibiting those under age 16 from logging onto game sites. In the U.S., a 20-something man who dropped out of a prestigious university got excited after playing an Internet game and left his home saying, "I will kill the first person I see." He carried out his threat.

According to a Korean government survey on Internet addiction in 2010, teenagers accounted for the largest portion of addicts at 12.4 percent, more than double the figure for adults (5.8 percent). Online games are blamed for more than 80 percent of Internet addiction, the study found. On the latest incident, game developers are refusing to take responsibility. One game industry source said, "`Maple Story` is not so violent that even women enjoy the game," adding, "This is not game addiction as the perpetrator didn`t play the game himself." The source, however, probably would not say this had his child committed suicide due to an Internet game. Editorial Writer Chung Sung-hee (

There are filters available that will not only set time limits for internet use but also allow for blocking of games in general or for specifice games. One such filter is which works with both PCs and Macs

About the author: Since 1998 after nearly falling into this same trap I began to hunt for solutions for porn use by adults. I came up with a combination of a filtering technology and accountability reporting called Rather than a solution designed for guarding children, Wisechoice is designed to protect husbands and marriages from porn. The addictive properties are such that putting a wall around ones self is often the only way short of getting rid of the computer entirely and it is effective. I would suggest checking our solution out or one of the other filters available.

Thanks for reading this and if you have questions then email me at and we can talk it over.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

So many new computers this christmas-are you installing protection

Of course, we are installing virus protection, spyware blockers and so forth. But are you doing anything to protect your kids or yourself from the dark side of the Internet-pornography, stalkers, gambling....whatever.

Some of your virus protectors such as Norton or even windows 7 have what they call family controls... Unfortunately they are of very poor quality and are like performing surgery with an axe!

Please take a look at wisechoice Internet filtering. It is my company and it is the highest quality that is available. If for example you have kids getting their first computer you can establish time limits, content limits and even see waist is happening with their social websites.

If you have a problem with Internet porn yourself or one of the family does then it is an extremely accurate and effective porn blocker which cannot be bypassed without making a call to our office by the primary customer.

So Mrs. Smith, if you are keeping your teenager or husband off of the porn sites then they cannot call the office and turn off the filter. Only the main customer-Mrs. Smith herself can make the changes. It's inexpensive effective and can protect your family form tremendous harm .

Blessings on this Christmas weekend!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


When I started the filtering business blocking pornography I expected that literally millions would sign up so that they could protect themselves and their families...the truth of the matter, after 12 years in this business and with considerable knowledge of the industry it turns out that less than one percent of Internet users place filters on their families computers.....way less than one per cent. Why.

I don't understand it...we see statistics and news stories that graphically illustrate the dangers of the net to children and marriages and individuals but nobody does anything. It is kind of like not changing the batteries in the smoke alarm or not using a seat belt. Except the stakes are so much higher.

How about having your child abducted, raped and killed by in Internet predator...what are you doing to prevent this.

How about your spouse divorcing you because you are using porn...why do you continue to leave your marriage open to this?


I would love some feedback...I am really stumped.... 

Monday, December 12, 2011

eleven year old raped...received porn emails from accused rapist

Nine out of 10 children aged between eight and 16 have viewed pornography on the Internet. In most cases, the sex sites were accessed unintentionally when a child, often in the process of doing homework, used a seemingly innocent sounding word to search for information or pictures. (London School of Economics

In the case of the eleven year old girl it appears that the alleged rapist was a friend of the family, trusted by the child  and that he had been sending her porn on emails, showing her child porn on his computer and finally molesting her on hikes and other places..

What are we doing to protect our kids from this kind of thing. Do we as parents know who our kids are interacting with  on email, Facebook and chat rooms? Did you know that filtering programs like Wisechoice have features that will allow you to view online conversations of kids? Is this an invasion of their privacy? Absolutely! Are we giving privacy rights for eleven year old to interact with predators? If we are then we are misguided.

It is our job as parents to protect our kids whether they think they need it or not. I don't know of any kid worth his or her salt who doesn't think they are grown up enough to make their own decisions.

Tools such as Wisechoice can allow you to have password protected times in which kids can use the computer but make the computer out of bounds at other times. You can track their messaging and restrict the types of websites they go to. In the case of the children who have accessed porn by mistake while searching for things regarding homework-that cannot happen with a good filter. If they inadvertently click on a porn site the filter will block access.

Filters for the most part cost about $50 per years and protect as many as three computers per household. Some will work on both Macs and Windows based computers. To paraphrase a hospital advertisement- of you don't get help from Wisechoice...then get help somewhere.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

13 age porn

One of the more revealing things are the search terms that people use when they are finding my  filtering site. Tracking programs tell you what the search terms, the country of location, what they looked at ...the only thing they don't do is identify the actual user. In the case of the one using the search term "13 age porn", I would like to know who he is so I could set the FBI on 'em.

Just this morning I found the "13 age porn" search term for someone looking fore child porn. Another one was "hurt porn" which I suspect was looking for a sado-masochism site where men and/or women are tortured, raped and in some cases even killed . So what?

Have you noticed that during the last twenty years that sexual crimes have sky rocketed? Children are abducted, sexually used and killed and literally thrown in the trash almost daily. Rape is through the roof and human trafficking is flourishing particularly in cities like Atlanta....Are there just more sex criminals being born or there something that is triggering behaviors at a new rate?

Since I am an old guy I can tell you that before the internet you simply could not find porn material that included 13 age porn, or torture, or bestiality. If it was even out there you would have to have inside contacts to even locate it much less look at it. Today however, all you have to do is type in the search term and tons of material instantly comes to your office or living room and where your particular character defect will be inflamed, perhaps to the point that one will go out and find a thirteen year old to try out in person.. There is no stopping the access to this on the internet so what can we do? What is the issue.

We can only be responsible for ourselves,at least that;s what the counselors say. I would submit that many of the sex criminals would never have engaged in these crimes if they has not be first exposed to a smorgasbord of  this material on their websites. So again, I urge all of use to out a wall around ourselves so that we don't have top find out if we posses these flaws, so that we don't end up doing things we will regret for the rest of the our lives. Put a filter on your computer, stop it while you can and keep you r teenagers form getting to the material while their hormones are raging.....those who have ears to hear let them hear.

There are filters out there like our that will accurately and effectively keep you and your out of these sites while still providing full internet functionality. They are inexpensive and work great.

About the author: Since 1998 after nearly falling into this same trap I began to hunt for solutions for porn use by adults. I came up with a combination of a filtering technology and accountability reporting called Rather than a solution designed for guarding children, Wisechoice is designed to protect husbands and marriages from porn. The addictive properties are such that putting a wall around ones self is often the only way short of getting rid of the computer entirely and it is effective. I would suggest checking our solution out or one of the other filters available.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Censorship? Is filtering censorship?

Several countries are now blocking "offensive materials" from the Internet. India is the most recent to announce that it will be blocking material that is pornographic, defamatory, insulting to religion and similar material. They say that they will not block political speech.

China, on the other hand not only blocks pornography but also an entire range of political speech that it regards as dangerous to the state. Certainly that is clear censorship to prevent political change. Other countries that block some parts of the Internet are Saudi Arabia and Iran with a wide variety of censorship that ranges from pornography, to religious issues to political dissent. Not good.

However, what would be acceptable censorship? The American Library Assn. has lobbied hard to prevent thew use of filters on Library computers even though they know that students and adults are accessing pornographic material. To my way of thinking this is insane. There are also advocates that are trying to overturn filtering for Public School computers saying that this will stifle intellectual inquiry. Hello?

What is the correct balance between protecting a nations' kids from harmful material as balanced against the right to free inquiry and speech? Is pornography speech?

For a period of time the U.S.Supreme Court held that nude dancing (strippers) was protected speech regardless of whether someone was speaking or not. The definition broadened to include freedom of expression. Since then the Court has retracted its view by allowing Community Standards to be a limit on such things as strip clubs.

But what about Speech as the founders meant it? Historically free speech was "political speech" the right to speak out against the government. At the same time during most of American History if someone was operating outside the social norms then they might be tarred and feathered; or their book might be "banned in Boston. The FCC regulates material; on the public airways even today

So where are we now when anything goes? Is it appropriate for a country to insist that indecent material be filtered. It is against the law to shout "fire" in a crowded theater, yet when it is clear that internet pornography has been lighting fires throughout the nation then is it appropriate for the Government to regulate this as well?

To my way of thinking, the American People are more wedded to the defense of choice than they are to reasonable prevention. As a result we have voluntary filtering available for individuals who would censor themselves. In the spirit of "Choice" Americans can choose to install a filter like and to determine what censorship is appropriate for their family. Violent games for children and teens? Pornography for everyone? Shopping for the family member who bankrupts themselves with compulsive buying. With private filtering you can protect your family and yourself at a custom level.

At my house we block any level of pornographic materials be they "soft" or "hard core pornography. If I had young teens I would also block chat and for younger ones I would block social networking sites. To each family its own level.


Monday, December 5, 2011

He never could have imagined...

"It was like a moth attracted to a light bulb," Simaluk told Regina Provincial Court Judge Bruce Henning on Friday. "He just has no idea why he did it."  This was a defense lawyer explaining to the judge why Nels Soerenson came to possess a huge library of child porn on his computer

What an apt discription. A moth to a light bulb, not only is the moth attracted to the bulb but he keeps on hitting it until he finally dies. In the case of Mr. Sorenson he will spend the next 15 months in prison,In addition, "Among conditions of the probation order are that Soerensen not attend public places frequented by children or communicate with youths under 16 unless an informed adult is present; not possess computers or electronic devices that can access the Internet; not possess pornography; allow those monitoring him to see the bills and statements from his telecommunications provider; submit to searches by police up to three times per month; not live in a place where he has unrestricted access to a computer; and take sex offender assessment and/or treatment as directed. A separate order, to be imposed for six years, prevents him from working or volunteering in a capacity that places him in a position of trust or authority over children and restricts him from communicating with youths on the Internet
Prior to his arrest this 44 year old man was known for his love of playing chess! He had no criminal record. I cannot tell from the news account if he is married or has children, but if he does then I would suggest that he won't be married for long. If he is in a civic organization like Rotary or Kiwanis then he likely will be expelled and if he is a church guy.......

I would suggest that this man had no idea that he was predisposed to child pornography until he go onto the internet. As his lawyer said, "he was like moth attracted to a light bulb". Suddenly he was presented with a light bulb called internet pornography which ignited a character defect that he didn't know was there. From then on it was a spiral to destruction.

If he had just had a wall between him and these sites then he would be a free man today, reputation and job intact...

I am trying to be that voice, that guy  swinging the lamp in front of the driver crying , The bridge is out! The bridge is out" warning that destruction is awaiting those travelling diwn this particular road. I hope someone hears.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Don' t filters block good stuff too?

" I heard that you can't search for information on breast cancer or recipes for a chicken breast because the filter will block the word "breast"

I have been in the filtering business since 1998 and back in the day this was true. The filters could only pick out key words and that blocked all kinds of good along with the bad....But like everything else of a techincal nature things have completely and totally changed.

Good quality modern filters work differently. They maintain logs of millions-no hundreds of millions of sites. These sites want to be found so their content is readily identifiable so the filtering companies categorize the sites. For example, porn sites have porn meta tags, YouTube has an adult section and a safe section-that's easy to identify. Some sites are for we categorize them for shopping, then again a shopping site might sell clothes, dildos and porn. So this one gets two categorizations-shopping and porn. Lingerie for example turns some people on to a point that they get screwy but most people have no problem-so we have it categorized as lingerie. This goes on and on for 35 separate categories.

When you set up your filter you decide what you might want to let's say you are an alocoholic with a porn problem and would then pick out gambling, alcohol and porn to block. If you have a shopping problem then you can block shopping, or sports, or news.....on and on.

Once you have decided what you are wanting to block then when you Google something and click on the site, the filter will quickly check in against our enormous categorized data base and either say yes or no depending on your preferences. If it says no then you cannot get to the site and if you try to uinstall the filter then it will throw you off the net until it is re-installed. By the way you can get all the chicken breast recipes you isn't about the keywords anymore.

So finally, let's say that you have the no override filter and your wife is the registered user to keep you honest. So, you decide you don't want this darn filter anymore. Simply call our office and talk to the nice lady and tell her you want your porn back. She will ask you if you are Mrs Sallie Sue will reply that you are Mr. Bubba James Mosrite. The nice lady will say: "have you wife call us and we will make the changes happily"....have a nice day.

It works great. Fast Accurate, inexpensive and gives freedom.

Friday, December 2, 2011

To Catch a Predator

So what’s so bad about pornography? It isn’t real is it? No one is getting hurt by using it? So what?

These are great questions that I have tried myself. I mean watching porn wasn’t like I was running around on my wife or going to strip clubs or using prostitutes. It’s just watching images on a screen.
When you take a look at the issue of porn and particularly internet porn you see that list of victims is staggering. The first victims are the women and men and children in the videos. Many of these are the victims of human trafficking-let’s call it like it is…slavery. Psychologists tell us that the ones who are not being trafficked are typically emotionally injured by such atrocities of child molestation, incest, rape- for both men and women. A close friend of mine who died from AIDS a few years ago had been molested as a boy by his grandfather…damaged is the understatement.

Then there are some other victims. How about your kids and you family? Internet porn is fastest growing reason for divorce in America. Guys,  in case you hadn’t realized, our wives consider the use of porn to be adultery. You can add yourself into the victim list when you find out that you are unable to visit your kids, have no wife and are paying child support.

Then of course there is your job. You will certainly be a victim if you lose your job due to porn use on the job. Thousands are experiencing this humiliating end to careers. Many of these guys have already been warned but can’t seem to stop using the porn even though they know they are being watched.
Psychiatrists tell us that pornography stimulates the same pleasure sensors in men that cocaine does...crack cocaine. This is why men cannot seem to put it down regardless of the cost to their lives. They literally are hooked and can’t get away. A slave to their porn-very weird but very common.

There are other victims that I will write about as time goes by. The ones that are the recipients of insane behaviors that are triggered by the use of porn. Any of us who watched the NBC show “to Catch a Predator” could see what was happening. All of these came from the use of internet porn and the resulting acting out of what they were seeing….

If you are stuck in porn or your loved one is then get some counseling and put a wall around your computer with a good quality internet filter. There are numerous ones out there. WWW.WISECHOICE.NET is mine and it is oriented to the adult user.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The only pervert around

When I got tied up with internet porn some years ago the hugest issue was that I was going to keep this a secret- I HAD to keep it a secret!. After all I didn't have to be Billy Graham to know what I was doing was wrong. One of the side effects of having to keep this a secret is that I was therefore unable to talk to anyone about it. As far as I knew I was the only pervert around...certainly the only one in my church!

As I became more engaged in this issue I discovered that far from being the only pervert around, the fact was that fully half the men on the internet were accessing porn also...but the other fact was that most of them are doing so in secret and they think they are the only ones with the problem. We keep this a secret for good reason! Our wives will be devastated, jobs and reputations at risk...yeah, keep it quiet!  Psychologists tell us the one of the main drivers of this compulsive use of internet porn is fired by three factors. One is that it is accessible to anyone with the net, secondly it can be accessed for free-millions of pages of free porn trying to suck you into the pay sites, and finally it can be done in secret. Porn is typically used in the office after hours, or at home after your wife has gone to bed, or when no one is home. Secrecy at all costs!

A few years ago I addressed a mens young adult group of  at a very conservative and active church. There were about twenty guys between 20 and 30 eyars old. I told them my story with internet porn and told them about the power of the secrecy. Finally I asked them all to close their eyes so that they couldn't see each other. I asked how many had internet access and they all raised their hands. I then asked them with their eyes still closed to raise their other hand if they used internet porn.....100% of them, all of them raised their hands!

I told them that all of them had their hands still up and if they had the courage would they be willing to leave their hands raised while they opened their eyes? I gave them a chance to lower their hands and two actually did so but the other eighteen left them up as they looked around. They were stunned!  Not only were they not the only pervert around but they ALL had the problem.

From that point things got really interesting, the guys began to find accountability partners to keep themselves clean, most of them put filters on their computers with the accountability reporting so that they knew that they would be taken to task if they were trying to go to the porn sites.

But the power of the secrecy was gone and now they could deal with the issue, and they did. Most of the guys have their porn use under control and as they marry and get older then this , at least, will not be a factor in destroying their marriages.