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Friday, November 2, 2012

The Desperation Hours

Midnight and 4:30 am...surfing

Every day I spend some time checking my tracking program to see how many folks are visiting Wisechoice and how they find us...don't worry I can't tell who is coming to the site but rather more general information like the country of origin, what time they arrive and the fascinating thing...what search term did they use.I have found that it is in the early morning hours that the visitors are not searching for protection but rather they are searching for porn but happen to see our site and then stop in...

For example, last night visitors between the hours of midnight and 4:30am were almost all searching for porn. The search terms includes sex, animal porn, bondage, incest pictures, and terms that I will not print on this or any page. It seems that these folks that end up at Wisechoice realize at some level that they are in trouble or doing something wrong.

I remember those early morning hours when I discovered that I had spent four hours surfing the net and now had nothing for my family, exhausted but had to go to work-yet was being sucked deeper and deeper into this pit. These are the desperation hours.  Here is the good news....
If you realize that you are powerless, then you can accept that you need help form a higher power (God) and that you need a framework. Filtering will place a wall between you and those places. An alcoholic is still addicted but if he cannot get to any alcohol then he is safe. Filtering will keep you out of the pornography that owns you.

About the Author: Since 1998 after nearly falling into this same trap I began to hunt for solutions for porn use by adults. I came up with a combination of a filtering technology and accountability reporting called Rather than a solution designed for guarding children, Wisechoice is designed to protect husbands and marriages from porn. The addictive properties are such that putting a wall around ones self is often the only way short of getting rid of the computer entirely and it is effective. I would suggest checking our solution out or one of the other filters available.