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Monday, January 19, 2015

Another one bites the dust,,,could this marriage be saved?

So, it's happened again. We have some friends who have been together for decades...I mean they have made some history together over the years and are well known and liked in the community. As relationships often do, this one seemed to begin to grow cold.

Soon there was no intimacy, both sexual and relation ship types of intimacy. A coldness began creeping in and so another lady friend suggested to the spouse that may Roger (we will call him that) might be into pornography.

" NO WAY!" Said our spouse Tory, "porn has never been in our house." But her friend persisted and one early morning while Roger was out deer hunting she took a look at his laptop. She typed in Ctrl H and the history popped up. Pages and pages of porn sites. Hundreds of them. Chat rooms, web cams. Everything. Tory was stunned and deeply wounded.

Later that day, after Roger came home Tory confronted him at which time he came clean. He said he didn't know how he even got started with it but it was so easy to access and it was free that he just found himself sinking into it. Roger begged her forgiveness, promising that he would quit going to porn sites...but he didn't.

Two weeks later a check of his history showed that he was back at it. More apologies, more forgiveness, more promised...followed by more porn. Over a period of six months the cycle repeated itself, promises and lies, lies and more lies.

Finally Tory had had enough and made the ultimatum. Either they got counseling or he was going to have to get he left.

The addictive power of porn was so outrageously string that Roger chose his porn over his wife and twenty years of history. He refused to talk to a counselor or anything. He just got out.

Porn use is destroying relationships at a staggering rate. Families are being broken up by what people describe as harmless.

Since 1998 after nearly falling into this same trap I began to hunt for solutions for porn use by adults. I came up with a combination of a filtering technology and accountability reporting called Rather than a solution designed for guarding children, Wisechoice is designed to protect husbands and marriages from porn. The addictive properties are such that putting a wall around ones self is often the only way short of getting rid of the computer entirely and it is effective. I would suggest checking our solution out or one of the other filters available.

Thanks for reading this and if you have questions then email me at and we can talk it over.

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