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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ebay and Me

 Every day I receive Google Alerts on shopping addictions. The weird thing is that most of them act as though this is cute. This morning I saw an article about a celebrity talking about her Ebay shopping addiction and then shared her favorite Ebay shops.

A close friend of ours had an Ebay addiction but it wasn't cute. Whenever she was bored or mad or felt depressed she'd ease on over to Ebay and shop. A little here, a amazing deal there and soon she was in deep credit card trouble.

Not only in credit card trouble but in real family trouble. Seems that her husband didn't know about the maxed out $10,000 card...or the other cards that she opened to pay to keep up with the minimum payments on the big card. Of course she then found discovered that she could buy stuff with the new do you spell divorce? How do you spell personal bankruptcy. All from a little Ebay addiction.

I know I am speaking to folks this morning who share this little problem. Did you know that Internet filtering like can help. Filters are not just about porn. They can block categories for shopping or if Ebay is your only problem site you can block just ebay. Wisechoice costs about 14 cents a day. Did I says 14 cents?  You will be able to get all your usual places except where you have trouble.

It might save your marriage, your family, your finances....take a look and see..

1 comment:

  1. who out there can saynthat they have seen friendsnspend themselves into divorce and ruin...surelynthere is a comment out there.
